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Millie Boniface

Online Portfolio

About Me

I’m Millie Boniface, a Media Production student (nearing the end of my degree) at the University of South Wales. Often referred to as: a tea drinker, film lover, book reader, bath bather, dancefloor prodigy and all round wild woman. I have the blog Hey Mil – be sure to check it out! I love Cardiff, but the world was made to be travelled. One day I hope to have a wonderful job in the media industry as either a script writer, radio producer or television camera operator.


Skills and Idols

Anchor 3



Linked In




I have a wide range of skills that I can bring to any work place or team. Firstly I'm great at making cups of tea (I have references), I'm calm, enthusiastic and love to have a laugh. I'm confident on the phone and meeting new people, I'm interested in hearing and telling their stories. I'm a team player, have fresh ideas to bring to the table and have found my voice. I'm comfortable with Adobe Audition and audio editing, finding guests and content. During Exposure, I had a range of jobs including Researcher, Broadcast Assistant, Producer and even had a go at Presenting. I know how to use Myriad and operate a radio mix desk. I can use a telephone transfer and can measure microphone levels. I can't wait to gain some workplace experience and learn even more.


I admire Greg James and Jo Wiley's radio work, they are both great personalities. I would love to have a radio career half as good as theirs. Tina Fey and Mindy Kaling are both amazing too.

One day I hope to write a line that even Richard Curtis will be jealous of.

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